Liebster Award!

Wow, we were just awarded the Liebster Blog award!  This award is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers.  In German it means one of your favorite blogs.  Since, I lived in Germany for 18 months it is fun to get an German award.  Thanks, to A Farm Wife’s Journal for nominating us!  She has a fun blog full of crafts, quilting, gardening, and farm life fun!  You can check her blog out at this link:

To pass on the love, I would like to award the following blogs:
One Orange Giraffe



1.    Thank and link back to the blog that awarded you

2.     Display the Liebster button on your website

3.     Nominate 3-5 blogs with under 200 followers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy,
    Thanks for the award. I wrote about it tonight and added a link to your page. Hopefully a few of my readers will come by and visit. I really like your blog. I'll be back to visit, promise!


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